November 25



Dear Friend,

If you follow the PROVEN and TESTED system that I am about to share with you, you WILL get more and better quality customers for your products and services AND make more money.

In FACT there is NO way that you can’t – it is impossible!grow-button

Let me prove that to you right now.

Few people; not even hard-core businessmen know about this, so pay close attention!

There is a magic system to grow your business into the money making machine you always believed it could be – and this system is called:

Permission Email Marketing.

It starts with the design of a Sales Funnel.

small-funnel001The process begins at the top [wide opening] part of the sales funnel. The first step is called: Targeted List Building.

In short, list building is a process to get permission from existing and potential customers to receive correspondence from you.

Usually this is in the form of discount coupons, special offers, and sharing other valuable information with them.

It is done on an online and off-line basis.

[Try to think of your existing and future customers as members of your own private VIP club. If you can have all of them together in one room today – what will you say to them? How will you convince them to join your VIP club?]

It is a very powerful thing – a VIP members club – would you like one for your business?

When doing list building the focus is always on getting permission from the right people or groups of people who you believe should be your customers.

The opposite of Permission Marketing is Interruption Marketing.

For example, interruption marketing is when your favourite TV program is interrupted with an ad. Or your working day is interrupted with phone calls from someone who wants to sell you something you didn’t ask for.

Permission Marketing on the other hand is a very powerful system IF you know what you are doing. That is why I am sharing this information with you.

Permission Marketing has basically four (4) steps:big-funnel001

  • Step 1: Make A Stranger A Friend [Don’t worry – I will explain it later]
  • Step 2: Make A Friend A Customer
  • Step 3: Make A Customer A Loyal Customer
  • Step 4: Make Loyal Customers Your Ambassador or Salesman


Now that you know the 4 basic steps of Permission Marketing, let’s get back to the Sales Funnel Image and see how it works in the real world.

The last step [narrow bottom part] of the sales funnel illustrate the your loyal customers who can now become your ambassadors or salesmen.

Now; it is understandable that not everyone who starts at the top of the funnel and move their way down will become your customers or will end up as ambassadors.

Some will leave your sales funnel before you get the chance to make them a friend or a customer.

That is just the way it is. We can’t please everyone – but we can still manage our end results to a large extend.

To maximize your engagement with customers and minimize your potential losses in your sales funnel you need a system that works for you 24 hours a day, 7-days a week, on auto pilot.

Today is your chance to get:

The All-In-One Marketing Sales Funnel For Local Business Owners in South Africa.


If you know in your heart your business needs NEW direction, a NEW income stream or NEW leads for tomorrow then you need: EMail Buddy.

email-buddy-box-smallEMail Buddy Is A Complete Permission Marketing And Sales Funnel System That Will:

  • Increase your business sales.
  • Increase your profits per sale.
  • Increase your client base, and
  • Decrease your advertising burning rate [your burning rate is how fast your company spend money on advertising – “Burn Money”)

How this works:

First: This is NOT a one size fits all system. Each business is different with unique needs – we understand that.

That is why EMAIL BUDDY is a private cloud-based system for each client, made up of different components, to do different things, but to achieve the same goals.

The primary goal here is to give you:

A private and secure permission marketing system, flexible enough to tailor make to your company specific needs.

A system that is accessible by you, your employees, your freelance contractors, your sales team and even your bookkeepers if need be, from anywhere in the world, 24/7.

A system that has the capability to do list building and engage with existing and potential clients via email in a way that will build and foster relationships with leads and customers.

The steps in the sales funnel are based on the 4 -step of permission marketing.


When you buy EMAIL BUDDY today you get:

A private permission marketing system [sales funnel] that is pre-build for you on a special WordPress [.org] platform.

This is a cloud-based system hosted on one of the biggest and most secure hosting platforms in the world in the United States. You and everyone you nominate will have 24/7 access to the system via private login usernames and

The core function of the system is to build and keep a record [with contact details] of existing and potential customers and get permission from each to engage with them via email.

The system is also a professional self-managed auto-responder email platform that sent emails to your clients directly – at zero cost to you.

You will have immediate access to all reports that will show you the open and click through rates of your emails – again – at zero cost to you.

You will have 110% control over this entire system. You do NOT share the platform with any other company or any other entity.

This means your system is 100% “portable” so that you can manage the platform yourself or outsource the management of it to any independent consultant or company.

You will have unrestricted access to training videos and guides to help you and your staff to manage your EMAIL BUDDY platform to maximize your email marketing efforts.

click-to-buyYou can also make a request to our in-house marketing team to help you to manage your EMAIL BUDDY platform in exchange for a small monthly fee.

In this way you can concentrate on your core business tasks and leave the day-to-day management of your Permission Marketing System to us.

Whatever management option you choose, you can rest assured that the support on the technical side of your system is always close. It is only a phone call or email away.

What You Can Expect:

It is important for you to know the following:mark-email-board

We know what we are doing – we have been doing it for many years – both online and off-line.

We think it is fair to say that no one knows the challenges that local business owners must face every day better than us.

It is our proud job to help these business owners to implement and manage a permission marketing system that can target smarter and better clients for their products and services at a price they can afford!

We are constantly busy training & coaching independent consultants to help us to help Local Business Owners to market and promote their businesses.

We are not IT gurus or software developers – we are Direct Marketing Experts.

We use existing commercial software [extensively tried & tested] that we adapted for our own in-house purposes, and then “re-named” them as our Permission Marketing “Buddies” as we like to call them.

There are currently 4 Permission Marketing “Buddies” – they are:funnel001


You will later learn how they all link together to put your new Permission Marketing system on auto-pilot.

But for now I hope that this gives you the peace of mind to know that your Permission Marketing and Sales Funnel system will be in good hands.

In Summary:

We would like to welcome you on board so that we can help you turn your business into the money-making machine you always knew it could be.print-the-order-from-here

On this page is an ORDER FORM that need to be submitted so that we can get the ball rolling.

You can make payment via direct bank transfer. Our bank details is on the form

You will get a conformation email within an hour of receiving your order form.

This email will also give you the implementation details of the entire roll-out process for your new Permission Marketing system.

It usually takes between 7 to 10 days to get a system up and running. .

order-picAn Independent Business Consultant will also be appointed from our side to assist you and answer all your questions.

He or she will also talk to you about your business and will ask you questions about your needs and expectations.

Your consultant will further explain the administration process of your new marketing system to you.

When it comes to the administration and day-to-day management of your system; most is on auto-pilot, but you still need to do some work and have a few options.

These options will include the outsourcing of certain marketing and administration functions.

You can do it yourself and you will also learn more about the training and coaching for your staff.

But you may also want to use an independent consultant or one of our in-house team members to help you manage your new permission marketing platform.

Whatever you want to do is perfectly fine, your consultant will share the costs with you so that you can make an informed decision.

One Last Word:

When you say YES today you don’t say yes to only buying software or access to an cloud platform.

No, the software and platforms are only the tools that we will need to get the job done.

When you say yes today – you say YES to implement a modern 21st century Permission Marketing system for your business. This system will find new and smarter buyers for your products and services.

The task here is also to then turn these new buyers into Raving Fans of your company and brand.

It will be these raving fans that will become your ambassadors to help you build your business into a major asset.

IF this is what you want from your business today and tomorrow then we are on the same page.

If we are then I achieved my objective with this letter and invitation – it is now time for you to make the next move and come on board!

It is easy to do.

Just complete the order form now – we will be in contact soon.

Thank You

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PS: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.